Tuesday 5 October 2010

Pinhole/Photogrpahy notes!

Photography/Pinhole notes!
Photography is the process of creating both still or moving images on a "sensitive medium" which is basically something like photographic paper.  It works by an object such as a tree emitting off a light pattern which then hits the paper meaning a chemical is given off this causes the photos image to be stored. These chemical reactions are formed during a process called "exposure" which normally happens through a photographic lens which is basically a camera. A camera is a device which is used to record images these could be still images, or moving ones which are basically movies or videos! Photography has many uses in helping people, or just used for enjoyment, for example it may be used in forensics or it may be used for a fashion magazine. These two things are completely opposite yet photography still has a massive impact on them!

There are some main genres in photography these are;
Aerial – The photograph is taken from above, like a birds eye view.

Black and white – simply means that the image hasn’t got any colour.
Stock – These photos are ones that may be put online and sold for money, for example if you wanted a picture of a skyline for a website, you may just go and buy one instead of taking it yourself.

A shutter is another important device in photography it’s used to determine how much time the photographic film should be exposed for. If the image is left for either too long or not long enough the picture can turn out badly and not be very clear! The following diagram shows the effect very clearly;

An aperture is another important thing needed in all photography; an aperture is simply the hole in which the light goes through. These can be measured in something known as F-stops!

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